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Combined Freightlines (2019) Ltd Fuel Adjustment Factor
We operate a transparent fuel adjustment factor (FAF) as set out in the table below. The FAF that we charge is applicable to the following month and is updated at the start of each month to reflect the reference diesel price. 
When the average diesel rate exceeds $1.10 per litre we apply a surcharge based on the following table. There is no variable fuel charge when the average diesel rate is below $1.10 per litre. 
As a general rule of thumb, each 5 cent increase in diesel prices above $1.35 is worth 1% ​

Please note that our FAF charge is based only on fuel price, we do not on-charge RUC surcharges at this time.

December - 7.4% 
January - 8.2%
February - 9.0%
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